Meet SNU’s 2023 同学会 Court

同学会 Court Group shot

返校节到了! We are so excited about the fun and fellowship this week has already brought and will inevitably bring. 每年, 同学会 is a time when current students and alumni can come together and connect on campus through various fun and exciting activities. It is also a great time of celebration. Students nominate and celebrate their peers while the SNU community comes together to celebrate the goodness of the university! Some of these celebrations included class reunions, sporting events, and even a musical.

We hope that this week serves as a reminder of fond memories and provides an opportunity to create new ones as well. We are honored to introduce our 同学会 Court below. Each of these students has been chosen by their peers as a representative who foster community and live out SNU’s core values in their own lives. The voting results are now in, and we are pleased to announce that this year’s homecoming king and queen are … 


Rouve雅克是一个 心理学专业 from Saint-Marc, Haiti. She says, “I am still in disbelief that I am one of the students on the court. I have only been on campus physically for a little over a year. Having my peers vote for me is such an honor, especially as an international student.”


Asa罗伯逊是 business administration major who plans to get his master’s degree. Asa is humbled by the fact that he is on the court. He says, “It just shows that you can have a bigger impact on those around you than you even realize.”


阿什利·芬奇是 pre-occupational therapy major who plans to travel directly after graduation and then go to graduate school to get her doctorate degree. She plays right side for the SNU Women’s Volleyball team and wants to pursue a career as an occupational therapist.


惠特尼·鲍伊是一个 international business major. 毕业后, she plans to spend a year or two in Europe, working in either sales or Human 资源, then she wants to come back to the U.S. and find a job in management. She plays middle for the SNU Women’s Volleyball team. She is super excited and honored to be on the court. 


莉莉·罗兹是 护理专业 who plans to take the NCLEX after graduation and become a registered nurse. She plans to stay here in OKC and work at a hospital in the metro. Lily is grateful to be a part of the homecoming court. She says, “I love this university and I’m so grateful for everything it’s given me.”


佩吉·亚当斯是 biology-chemistry major who is in the process of applying to physician assistant (PA) school right now and hopes to work in emergency medicine after graduation. She is honored and excited to represent the university.


汉娜·特维诺是 pastoral ministry major who hopes to be a pastor in the future. She is the Lead Student Chaplain for SALT and Senate. Hannah is very honored to be recognized by her friends and peers.


乔什·莫拉是 pastoral ministry major who hopes to become a pastor after graduation. Josh is honored to be on the court and is excited to see who is crowned the homecoming king and queen.


卡森Milligan is a pastoral ministry major who plans to start a house of worship in OKC. Carson says “It has been an absolute privilege to be a part of this university in the aspects I have served in.” 


阿蒂·伊莱亚斯是个 pastoral ministry major who plans to work at a gym and start his personal training career. He is also a part of the Community Relations team for SALT and Senate. Arty is a first-generation college student and is extremely grateful to be nominated.


海斯会不会是 pastoral ministry major. He is a Resident Advisor in Snowbarger Hall. Will plans on attending seminary, and plans to continue to serve in the local church. 


卡姆登·高夫是 commercial music production major who currently plays electric guitar for Bethany First Church on Sunday mornings as well as on Wednesday nights for BFC Youth and College. Camden is excited to represent the class of 2024. 

All Photos Courtesy of SNU Creative

Written by: Carson Shirola and Emma Dilbeck







